Calculating Required Infrastructure Resources (AWS)

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Allocated Infrastructure Resources

When the platform is installed, it creates the following resources. Take this into account when selecting your installation configuration. Note that you also need to consider the service quotas (a.k.a. limits) for your AWS account.

Type Amount When Notes
Data node 1 or 3 Always EC2 instance type i3.2xlarge, i3.4xlarge or i3.8xlarge.
High-availability (HA) requires three nodes.
Data auto-scaling group 1 Always
Application node (EKS worker nodes) 1 or more Always EC2 CPU instance type m5.4xlarge or larger / GPU instance type p3.8xlarge or larger, or g4dn.12xlarge larger.
High-availability (HA) requires at least two nodes.
Application auto-scaling group 1 Always
OS boot disk (EBS volume) 1 per node Always EBS volume type General Purpose SSD (gp2). At least 400 GB for each data node and 250 GB for each application node.
Elastic IP address 1 per node The platform has public IP addresses.
VPC 1 The platform is deployed to a new VPC.
Subnet 1 or more The platform is deployed to a new VPC.
Route table 1 The platform is deployed to a new VPC.
Internet gateway 1 The platform is deployed to a new VPC.
Security group 2 The platform is deployed to a new VPC. See Network Security Groups Configuration (AWS).
EKS Cluster 1 Always

See Also