Expression String Functions

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The following Boolean string-comparison functions are supported in expressions.
All functions receive two string parameters. Each parameter can be provided either as a constant literal string (LITERAL), or as an attribute variable (ATTRIBUTE) that represents a string attribute (of type "S") whose value will be used in the comparison.


ends(s1, s2)

Checks whether the first string (s1) ends with the second string (s2).

For example, ends('4-Jun-2018', year) returns true for a year string attribute whose value is "2018".


contains(s1, s2)

Checks whether the first string (s1) contains the second string (s2).

For example, contains(rainbow, 'yellow') returns true for a rainbow attribute whose value is "red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet".



Returns the length of the provided string (s) — i.e., the number of characters in the string.
s can also be an expression that evaluates to a string.

For example:

  • length("123") returns 3.
  • length(mystr) for a mystr attribute whose value is "Hello World!" returns 12.
  • length ('abc' + 'efg') returns 6.
length is supported in update expressions.


starts(s1, s2)

Checks whether the first string (s1) starts with the second string (s2).

For example, starts(fullName, 'Jo') returns true for a fullName attribute whose value is "Jon Snow".

See Also