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Building Scalable Customer-Facing Gen AI Applications Effectively & Responsibly with MongoDB - July 30th, 2024

Cloud Data Services Sprawl … it’s Complicated

Legacy data management didn’t offer the scalability one finds in Big Data or NoSQL, but life was simple. You’d buy storage from your vendor of choice, add a database on top and use it for all your workloads. In the new world, however, there are data services for every application workload. Targeted services may sound...

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The Next Gen Digital Transformation: Cloud-Native Data Platforms

The software world is rapidly transitioning to agile development using micro-services and cloud-native architectures.  And there’s no turning back for companies that want to be competitive in the new digital transformation. Evolution in the application space has a significant impact on the way we build and manage infrastructure. Cloud-native applications in particular require shared cloud-native...

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It’s Time for Reinventing Data Services

During the last decades, The IT industry have used and cultivated the same storage and data management stack. The problem is, everything around those stacks changed from the ground up — including new storage media, distributed computing, NoSQL, and the cloud. Combined, those changes make today’s stack exceedingly inefficient — slowing application performance, creating huge...

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DC/OS Enables Data Center “App Stores”

Containers are getting widely adopted as they simplify the application development and deployment process, the transition into continuous integration with Microservices and Cloud-Native architectures will have significant impact on the businesses agility and competitiveness- They bring the notion of Smartphone Apps to the datacenter. Unfortunately, today there are still gaps, and Cloud-Native implementations require quite...

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Re-Structure Ahead in Big Data & Spark

Big Data used to be about storing unstructured data in its raw form – . “Forget about structures and Schema, it will be defined when we read the data”. Big Data has evolved since – The need for Real-Time performance, Data Governance and Higher efficiency is forcing back some structure and context. Traditional Databases have...

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Wanted! A Storage Stack at the speed of NVMe & 3D XPoint

Major changes are happening in storage media hardware – Intel announced a 100X faster storage media, way faster than the current software stack. To make sure the performance benefits are evident, they also provide a new block storage API kit (SPDK) bypassing the traditional stack, so will the current stack become obsolete? Some background on...

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