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Building Scalable Customer-Facing Gen AI Applications Effectively & Responsibly with MongoDB - July 30th, 2024

Continuous Analytics: Real-time Meets Cloud-Native

iguazio combines real-time analytics, concurrent processing and cloud-native agility. We started working on this completely new approach to data management after witnessing countless customers struggle with traditional big data and analytics solutions. As a result, we are seeing that iguazio’s platform leads to magnitudes faster time to insights, faster time to market, greater simplicity and...

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Did Amazon Just Kill Open Source?

After this week at re:invent, it is clear that Amazon is unstoppable. AWS announced many more products, all fully integrated and simple to use and if you thought infrastructure companies are its competition, think again. The new Amazon offering competes with established database vendors, the open-source big data eco-system and container eco-system, security software and...

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The Next Gen Digital Transformation: Cloud-Native Data Platforms

The software world is rapidly transitioning to agile development using micro-services and cloud-native architectures.  And there’s no turning back for companies that want to be competitive in the new digital transformation. Evolution in the application space has a significant impact on the way we build and manage infrastructure. Cloud-native applications in particular require shared cloud-native...

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It’s Time for Reinventing Data Services

During the last decades, The IT industry have used and cultivated the same storage and data management stack. The problem is, everything around those stacks changed from the ground up — including new storage media, distributed computing, NoSQL, and the cloud. Combined, those changes make today’s stack exceedingly inefficient — slowing application performance, creating huge...

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Re-Structure Ahead in Big Data & Spark

Big Data used to be about storing unstructured data in its raw form – . “Forget about structures and Schema, it will be defined when we read the data”. Big Data has evolved since – The need for Real-Time performance, Data Governance and Higher efficiency is forcing back some structure and context. Traditional Databases have...

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Cloud-Native Will Shake Up Enterprise Storage!

Enterprise IT is on the verge of a revolution, adopting hyper-scale and cloud methodologies such as Micro-services, DevOps and Cloud-Native. As you might expect the immediate reaction is to try and apply the same infrastructure, practices and vendor solutions to the new world, but many solutions and practices are becoming irrelevant, SAN/VSAN and NAS among...

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