Managing a Kubernetes Cluster remotely with the Kubeflow Configuration File
You can use a kube.config
file to manage your clusters from outside the cluster.
The kubeconfig file contains information about clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms. Each cluster's kubeconfig file is published on its Provazio page. Use the kubectl commandline tool (or another client) to manage your kubeconfig file.
- A computer that has network access to the nodes
- A kubeconfig file. (GKE customers may need to contact Iguazio support.)
- AWS only: access key and secret access key of the user that created the cluster
See more details in Kubeconfig File.
Typical workflow:
- Set up your Iguazio AI Platform cluster.
- Download the kubeconfig file from the Provazio page.
- AWS only: Access the AWS CLI on the system that you use to manage your cluster, and provide the access keys, for example, enter:
aws configure
And fill in your details:
AWS Access Key ID [********************]: ********************
AWS Secret Access Key [*********************]: ********************
Default region name [us-east-2]: [region that the system was created on]
Default output format [None]:
- All systems: Access your CLI and run kubectl to specify your cluster. Enter, for example:
kubectl --kubeconfig <kubeconfig_file> get nodes
The system responds:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 3h42m v1.21.12-eks-XXXXX
- Run the relevant kubectl commands.