The Web API Service

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The Web-API is an NGINX server that provides the facade for handling simple objects, NoSQL APIs, and streaming data

The default access is via an HTTPS ingress. To enable the direct-access HTTPS port, see Direct Access HTTPS.

Configuring the Web API Service


Do not change the Web API service resource parameters unless Iguazio support recommends that you change them.

The Web API service has default CPU and memory limits, applied to each replica. To change the defaults: in the Common Parameters tab under Resources, set the Memory and CPU values.

See more about Resource Management for Pods and Containers.


The number of workers is the maximum number of worker processes that each Web API's service replica can have. The default is set by the platform, taking into account the app node size. The maximum number of workers is 32.

nginx master process spawns one worker processes right away. Additional workers are spawned lazily if/when incoming workload builds (due to this, each webapi pod may have a different number of workers). Once a worker is spawned, it does not exit until the pod is restarted. Each worker takes around 1.5G of memory, most of it used for XIO buffers pool.

Direct Access Port

The direct access HTTPS port is closed by default. When you open the port, it gets the certificate from the NGINX ingress. To enable and use it:

  1. In the webapi Custom Parameters page, select Expose direct port access.
  2. Copy the port details in the Services page by pressing Copy to Clipboard and selecting HTTPS_DIRECT.

See Also