APIs Overview

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The platform exposes the following application programming interfaces (APIs).

  • Data science and MLOps APIs — the platform integrates Iguazio's open-source MLRun machine-learning operations (MLOps) orchestration framework and Nuclio serverless-functions framework. For detailed information about these frameworks and their APIs, see AI and Gen AI Services.

  • Data-layer APIs — the platform exposes multiple APIs for working with data of all types — NoSQL ("key-value") databases, streams, and simple objects (files) — including the following APIs. For detailed information, see the data-layer APIs overview and API references.

    • The Iguazio V3IO Python SDK for working with NoSQL and stream data
    • The Iguazio V3IO Frames DataFrame API for working with NoSQL
    • Spark SQL and DataFrames and streaming APIs, including the platform's proprietary APIs for working with NoSQL and stream data
    • The platform's simple-object, NoSQL, and streaming RESTful web APIs
    • Local Linux file-system and Hadoop Compatible File System (HCFS) commands for working with files (simple objects)
  • Cluster-Management SDK [Beta] — the platform exposes REST APIs for performing administrative cluster-management operations. For detailed information, see the Management SDK.

See Also